Pengfei Guo
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis and comparison of queues with different levels of delay information
P Guo, P Zipkin
Management Science 53 (6), 962-970, 2007
On the advantage of quantity leadership when outsourcing production to a competitive contract manufacturer
Y Wang, B Niu, P Guo
Production and Operations Management 22 (1), 104-119, 2013
Strategic behavior and social optimization in Markovian vacation queues
P Guo, R Hassin
Operations Research 59 (4), 986-997, 2011
The Impact of Reimbursement Policy on Social Welfare, Revisit Rate and Waiting Time in a Public Healthcare System: Fee-for-Service vs. Bundled Payment
P Guo, CS Tang, Y Wang, M Zhao
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21, 154-170, 2019
Equilibrium pricing sequence in a co-opetitive supply chain with the ODM as a downstream rival of its OEM
B Niu, Y Wang, P Guo
Omega 57, 249-270, 2015
Strategic behavior and social optimization in Markovian vacation queues: the case of heterogeneous customers
P Guo, R Hassin
European Journal of Operational Research 222 (2), 278-286, 2012
The comparison of two vertical outsourcing structures under push and pull contracts
Y Wang, B Niu, P Guo
Production and Operations Management 23 (4), 610-625, 2014
Outsourcing structures and information flow in a three-tier supply chain
P Guo, JS Song, Y Wang
International Journal of Production Economics 128 (1), 175-187, 2010
Service pricing with loss-averse customers
L Yang, P Guo, Y Wang
Operations Research 66, 761-777, 2018
Quality‐Speed Competition in Customer‐Intensive Services with Boundedly Rational Customers
X Li, P Guo, Z Lian
Production and Operations Management 25 (11), 1885-1901, 2016
Equilibrium threshold strategies in observable queueing systems with setup/closedown times
W Sun, P Guo, N Tian
Central European Journal of Operations Research 18, 241-268, 2010
Gender-related operational issues arising from on-demand ride-hailing platforms: safety concerns and system configuration
Y Tang, P Guo, C Tang, Y Wang
Production and Operations Management 30 (10), 3481-3496, 2021
Comparison of Subsidy Schemes for Reducing Waiting Times in Healthcare Systems
Q Qian, P Guo, R Lindsey
Production and Operations Management 26, 2033-2049, 2017
The effects of the availability of waiting-time information on a balking queue
P Guo, P Zipkin
European Journal of Operational Research 198 (1), 199-209, 2009
On the Downs-Thomson Paradox in a Self-Financing Two-Tier Queuing System
P Guo, R Lindsey, ZG Zhang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (2), 315-322, 2014
Equilibrium and optimal strategies to join a queue with partial information on service times
P Guo, W Sun, Y Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2), 284-297, 2011
Strategic behavior and social optimization in partially-observable Markovian vacation queues
P Guo, Q Li
Operations Research Letters 41 (3), 277-284, 2013
The effects of information on a queue with balking and phase‐type service times
P Guo, P Zipkin
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (5), 406-411, 2008
Strategic queueing behavior and its impact on system performance in service systems with the congestion-based staffing policy
P Guo, ZG Zhang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (1), 118-131, 2013
Direct Sourcing or Agent Sourcing? Contract Negotiation in Procurement Outsourcing
Y Wang, B Niu, P Guo, JS Song
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23 (2), 294–310, 2021
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Articles 1–20