DJH Sleep
DJH Sleep
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
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The association of small mammals with coarse woody debris at log and stand scales
JC Bowman, D Sleep, GJ Forbes, M Edwards
Forest Ecology and Management 129 (1-3), 119-124, 2000
Generation of priority research questions to inform conservation policy and management at a national level
MA Rudd, KF Beazley, SJ Cooke, E Fleishman, DE Lane, MB Mascia, ...
Conservation Biology 25 (3), 476-484, 2011
An experimental test of clutter tolerance in bats
DJH Sleep, RM Brigham
Journal of Mammalogy 84 (1), 216-224, 2003
Comment arising from a paper by Wittmer et al.: hypothesis testing for top-down and bottom-up effects in woodland caribou population dynamics
GS Brown, L Landriault, DJH Sleep, FF Mallory
Oecologia 154, 485-492, 2007
Understanding rarity: A review of recent conceptual advances and implications for conservation of rare species
C Ronnie Drever, M C. Drever, D JH Sleep
The Forestry Chronicle 88 (2), 165-175, 2012
Toward actionable, coproduced research on boreal birds focused on building respectful partnerships.
AR Westwood, NK Barker, S Grant, AL Amos, AF Camfield, KL Cooper, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 15 (1), 2020
A review of applications of the six-step method of systematic conservation planning
YF Wiersma, DJH Sleep
The Forestry Chronicle 92 (3), 322-335, 2016
Cross‐scale effects of spruce budworm outbreaks on boreal warblers in eastern Canada
MC Drever, AC Smith, LA Venier, DJH Sleep, DA MacLean
Ecology and Evolution 8 (15), 7334-7345, 2018
Potential role of spruce budworm in range‐wide decline of Canada warbler
DJH Sleep, MC Drever, KJ Szuba
The Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (4), 546-555, 2009
Statistical versus biological hypothesis testing: response to Steidl
DJH Sleep, MC Drever, TD Nudds
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (7), 2120-2121, 2007
Validation of a demographic model for woodland caribou
DJH Sleep, C Loehle
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (7), 1508-1512, 2010
Guano traps as a means of assessing habitat use by foraging bats
RM Brigham, RMR Barclay, JM Psyllakis, DJH Sleep, KT Lowrey
Northwestern Naturalist, 15-18, 2002
Chaerephon nigeriae
CKR Willis, JM Psyllakis, DJH Sleep
Mammalian Species 2002 (710), 1-3, 2002
The effect of target setting on conservation in Canada’s boreal: what is the right amount of area to protect?
YF Wiersma, DJH Sleep
Biodiversity and conservation 27, 733-748, 2018
Scientific evidence for fifty percent?
YF Wiersma, DJH Sleep, KA Edwards
BioScience 67 (9), 781-782, 2017
Evaluation of projected carbon accumulation after implementing different forest management treatments in mixed-species stands in northern Maine
JJ Puhlick, AR Weiskittel, IJ Fernandez, KA Solarik, DJH Sleep
Carbon Management 13 (1), 190-204, 2022
Water profiles of forest products industry and their utility in sustainability assessment
PS Wiegand, CA Flinders, GG Ice, JH Sleep, BJ Malmberg, I Lama
Tappi Journal, July 2011, 19-27, 2011
Use and application of range mapping in assessing extinction risk in Canada
C Loehle, DJH Sleep
Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 (3), 658-663, 2015
Niches, null models, and forest birds: Testing competing community assembly hypotheses in disturbed and undisturbed hardwood forest
AC Algar, DJH Sleep, TD Nudds
Ecoscience 12 (4), 574-580, 2005
Potential recolonization benefits of retention forestry practices
C Loehle, KA Solarik, DU Greene, L Six, DJH Sleep
Forest Science 67 (3), 356-366, 2021
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Articles 1–20