Alexandre Antunes
Alexandre Antunes
School of Computing, Science and Engineering
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Cited by
Cited by
From human instructions to robot actions: Formulation of goals, affordances and probabilistic planning
A Antunes, L Jamone, G Saponaro, A Bernardino, R Ventura
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5449-5454, 2016
Solving Bidirectional Tasks using MTRNN
A Antunes, A Laflaquière, A Cangelosi
2018 Joint IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning and …, 2018
A Bi-directional Multiple Timescales LSTM Model for Grounding of Actions and Verbs.
A Antunes, A Laflaquière, T Ogata, A Cangelosi
IROS, 2614-2621, 2019
Communication with Speech and Gestures: Applications of Recurrent Neural Networks to Robot Language Learning
A Antunes, G Pizzuto, A Cangelosi
Proc. GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, 4-7, 2017
Robotic tool use and problem solving based on probabilistic planning and learned affordances
A Antunes, G Saponaro, A Dehban, L Jamone, R Ventura, A Bernardino, ...
IROS Workshop, 2015
Learn, Plan, Remember: A Developmental Robot Architecture for Task Solving
A Antunes, G Saponaro, A Morse, L Jamone, J Santos-Victor, A Cangelosi
IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic …, 2017
Learning Object Affordances for Tool Use and Problem Solving in Cognitive Robots.
L Jamone, G Saponaro, A Antunes, R Ventura, A Bernardino, ...
AIRO@ AI* IA, 68-82, 2015
Learning What To Say And What To Do: A Model For Grounding Language And Actions
A Antunes
University of Plymouth, 2020
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Articles 1–8