Brad K Hulse
Brad K Hulse
HHMI Janelia Research Campus
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Cited by
High-performance calcium sensors for imaging activity in neuronal populations and microcompartments
H Dana, Y Sun, B Mohar, BK Hulse, AM Kerlin, JP Hasseman, G Tsegaye, ...
Nature methods 16 (7), 649-657, 2019
A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection
BK Hulse, H Haberkern, R Franconville, DB Turner-Evans, S Takemura, ...
Elife 10, 2021
Sleep-dependent improvement in visuomotor learning: a causal role for slow waves
EC Landsness, D Crupi, BK Hulse, MJ Peterson, R Huber, H Ansari, ...
Sleep 32 (10), 1273-1284, 2009
Temporal dynamics of cortical sources underlying spontaneous and peripherally evoked slow waves
BA Riedner, BK Hulse, MJ Murphy, F Ferrarelli, G Tononi
Progress in brain research 193, 201-218, 2011
Mechanisms underlying the neural computation of head direction
BK Hulse, V Jayaraman
Annual review of neuroscience 43 (1), 31-54, 2020
Enhancing sleep slow waves with natural stimuli
G Tononi, BA Riedner, BK Hulse, F Ferrarelli, S Sarasso
Medicamundi 54 (2), 73-79, 2010
Membrane potential dynamics of CA1 pyramidal neurons during hippocampal ripples in awake mice
BK Hulse, LC Moreaux, EV Lubenov, AG Siapas
Neuron 89 (4), 800-813, 2016
Brain state dependence of hippocampal subthreshold activity in awake mice
BK Hulse, EV Lubenov, AG Siapas
Cell reports 18 (1), 136-147, 2017
Overnight changes in waking auditory evoked potential amplitude reflect altered sleep homeostasis in major depression
MR Goldstein, DT Plante, BK Hulse, S Sarasso, EC Landsness, G Tononi, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 125 (6), 468-477, 2012
A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation
C Dan, BK Hulse, R Kappagantula, V Jayaraman, AM Hermundstad
Neuron, 2024
A postsleep decline in auditory evoked potential amplitude reflects sleep homeostasis
BK Hulse, EC Landsness, S Sarasso, F Ferrarelli, JJ Guokas, T Wanger, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 122 (8), 1549-1555, 2011
Maintaining and updating accurate internal representations of continuous variables with a handful of neurons
M Noorman, BK Hulse, V Jayaraman, S Romani, AM Hermundstad
Nature Neuroscience 27 (11), 2207-2217, 2024
UP-DOWN states and ripples differentially modulate membrane potential dynamics across DG, CA3, and CA1 in awake mice
K Kajikawa, BK Hulse, AG Siapas, EV Lubenov
Elife 11, e69596, 2022
A rotational velocity estimate constructed through visuomotor competition updates the fly’s neural compass
BK Hulse, A Stanoev, DB Turner-Evans, JD Seelig, V Jayaraman
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 25.559373, 2023
Busted! A Dope Ring with Activity Clocked at Dawn and Dusk
BK Hulse, V Jayaraman
Neuron 102 (4), 713-715, 2019
Membrane Potential Dynamics of Hippocampal Neurons During Ripples in Awake Mice
BK Hulse
California Institute of Technology, 2017
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Articles 1–16